RAAS Report



A biweekly newsletter from your

Association of Academic Staff 

Friday, December 14, 2018


Shared Governance and Academic Freedom

"It is a fundamental principle of Ontario universities that scholars themselves—by virtue of their roles and qualifications, and because they are not beholden to partisan politics or corporate objectives—are the ones who should dictate the university’s academic operations. This happens through the process of collegial governance.”

—Shannon Dea, University Affairs


Renison does not have structures for shared governance in decision-making processes akin to those at other post-secondary institutions. As the representative of faculty, RAAS supports shared governance amongst faculty, staff, students, and administrators in the work of our institution. WE ARE RENISON.

Show Your Support!


Please consider downloading a copy of the attached poster for your office door.  Show your support for RAAS and for SHARED GOVERNANCE.  Also, our buttons have arrived!  Please see Susan or Rob or Kristina if you’d like a button (or a full-colour poster).

Llewellyn Joins Ad Hoc Committees  

RAAS President Kristina Llewellyn has agreed to work with Executive Council on a draft conflict of interest policy. She has also agreed to represent RAAS in drafting recommendations concerning a Renison freedom of speech policy in response to the draft G-class policy developed by the University of Waterloo. The draft policy is published on the website of the UW Secretariat. If you have any comments or concerns or suggestions to share, please see Kristina.

RAAS Approves Interim Fees Arrangement with FAUW

On December 5, RAAS members approved an interim membership fee arrangement facilitated by FAUW until July 1stor until a MoA agreement for fees is settled with the Employer. The interim membership fee will be in accordance with FAUW fees of .525%, from which FAUW will pay CAUT and OCUFA fees on behalf of RAAS and forward any remaining funds to RAAS.

If you have not already done so, please print and sign a copy of the attached FAUW Membership Form and give it to Susan, Kristina, or Rob.  

Accountability Concerns at Canadian Universities

With thanks to Carla Graebner, Librarian for Research Data Services and Government Information at Simon Fraser University

Redacted: Canadian universities are ‘allergic’ to accountability and information access

Canadian universities are generating more and more information of public interest, but they’re becoming less and less willing to share it: https://www.ubyssey.ca/features/redacted/.



Blokhuis Attends CAUT Forum in Ottawa

On behalf of RAAS and funded by CAUT, Jason Blokhuis attended the 2018 CAUT Forum for Senior Grievance Officers on December 7-8 in Ottawa.  The forum agenda is attached for reference.  This year’s theme was Mental Health and the Workplace.

Forum Overview

The measure of psychological and social wellbeing is broadly summed up in the concept of mental health. It captures how well we deal with the world around us, including our responses to everyday challenges and moments of crisis. Given the inherently stressful nature of work, and its capacity to generate conflict, there are myriad ways in which grievance officers will interact with mental health issues.  Through presentations, plenary discussions, and small group sessions, the 2018 CAUT Forum for Senior Grievance Officers will explore mental health in the workplace, including core concepts, jurisprudence, and the support services available to academic staff.

'Our Time to Act' Campaign

At the November CAUT Council meeting, delegates passed a resolution calling on CAUT to support and promote the Canadian Union of Public Employees’ 'Our Time to Act' Post-Secondary Education campaign.

The campaign, consistent with CAUT’s policy objectives, is focused on building support for an increase in federal transfers to the provinces in support of universities and colleges. Campaign materials include an online petition, an advocacy toolkit, and a conversation guide on post-secondary education issues.  These materials and more information about the campaign are available at: https://cupe.ca/our-time-act.


FAUW Approves Service Agreement with RAAS

FAUW members approved a service agreement with RAAS at their general meeting on December 4th. 

Dental benefits are increasing

Starting in January, you’ll be reimbursed for 95% of basic dental care costs instead of 80%.

Read more about the dental plan changes.



RAAS Report


RAAS Report