RAAS Report
A biweekly newsletter from your
Association of Academic Staff
Friday, January 11, 2019
What Is Academic Freedom?
As the representative of faculty, RAAS supports academic freedom and shared governance. WE ARE RENISON.
RAAS is a member of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), a nation-wide association of our peers. CAUT fees are included in RAAS membership dues each month.
This is the CAUT Policy Statement on Academic Freedom (as approved by the CAUT Council in November, 2018):
The University College serves the common good of society, through searching for, and disseminating, knowledge, and understanding and through fostering independent thinking and expression in academic staff and students. These ends cannot be achieved without academic freedom. All academic staff members have the right to academic freedom.
Academic freedom includes the right, without restriction by prescribed doctrine, to freedom to teach and discuss; freedom to carry out research and disseminate and publish the results thereof; freedom to produce and perform creative works; freedom to engage in service; freedom to express one’s opinion about the institution, its administration, and the system in which one works; freedom to acquire, preserve, and provide access to documentary material in all formats; and freedom to participate in professional and representative academic bodies. Academic freedom always entails freedom from institutional censorship.
Academic freedom does not require neutrality on the part of the individual. Academic freedom makes intellectual discourse, critique, and commitment possible. All academic staff members have the right to fulfil their functions without reprisal or suppression by the employer, the state, or any other source. Institutions have a positive obligation to defend the academic freedom rights of members.
All academic staff members have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, expression, assembly, and association and the right to liberty and security of the person and freedom of movement. Academic staff members must not be hindered or impeded in exercising their civil rights as individuals, including the right to contribute to social change through free expression of opinion on matters of public interest. Academic staff members must not suffer any institutional penalties because of the exercise of such rights.
Academic staff members are entitled to have representatives on and to participate in collegial governing bodies in accordance with their role in the fulfilment of the institution’s academic and educational mission. Academic staff members shall constitute at least a majority on committees or collegial governing bodies responsible for academic matters including but not limited to curriculum, assessment procedures and standards, appointment, tenure and promotion.
Academic freedom is a right of members of the academic staff, not of the institution. The employer shall not abridge academic freedom on any grounds, including claims of institutional autonomy.
OCUFA Media Clips
[with thanks to Ben Lewis at OCUFA]
RAAS is a member of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA), a province-wide association of our peers. OCUFA fees are included in RAAS membership dues each month.
Brescia Faculty Association consolidation approved in the nick of time
December 6, 2018
The Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) managed to organize Brescia contract faculty and get them consolidated into the main bargaining unit just two days before Bill 47 passed. Bill 47 wiped consolidation language from the Ontario Labour Relations Act.
Emmett Macfarlane at UW says free speech laws are not necessary KitchenerToday.com
January 8, 2019
Cape Breton University on track to become Canada’s most diverse Cape Breton Post
January 10, 2019
Canadian universities concerned diplomatic rift with China could hurt foreign student enrolment
Joe Friesen, The Globe and Mail [may require subscription]
January 6, 2019
RAAS Approves Interim Fees Arrangement with FAUW
On December 5th of last year, RAAS members approved an interim membership fee arrangement facilitated by FAUW until July 1st or until a MoA agreement for fees is settled with the Employer. The interim membership fee will be in accordance with FAUW fees of .525%, from which FAUW will pay CAUT and OCUFA fees on behalf of RAAS and forward any remaining funds to RAAS.
If you have not already done so, please print and sign a copy of the attached FAUW Membership Form and give it to Susan, Kristina, or Rob.
Equity and Inclusivity Award Nominations
The FAUW Equity Committee is seeking nominations for its annual Equity and Inclusivity Award. The award celebrates members and/or affiliates of the University of Waterloo community whose actions have made a demonstrable impact on equity, inclusivity, and/or diversity at the University.